The 7th Annual Decorate-a-Wreath Contest is here. Pick up a wreath from the Rec center beginning Nov. 1. Take it home and decorate it, then return your decorated wreath no later than Dec. 2. Community members can vote for their favorite wreath during the ‘Christmas in the Park’ event on Dec. 7. There is no fee to participate and we will award the “Best Business” and “Best Individual” following the event.


Send your letter to Santa from Strasburg! All letters will be forwarded to the North Pole, (no postage necessary). Santa has promised to respond with a personalized letter. All letters need your child’s first and last name along with a RETURN ADDRESS (please print clearly). Mailboxes will be available after Thanksgiving until Dec. 18. Look for the RED mailboxes at Strasburg Rec Center, 1932 Burton Street; Strasburg Post Office, 56691 E. Colfax Ave.; and Western Hardware, 56640 E. Colfax Ave.

Barnyard Boutique56551 E Colfax Ave.8:30am-8pmScratch Ticket is worth an EXTRA 10% off your regularly priced purchaseBarnyard Boutique
Legion Hall 56423 Westview Ave.10am-4pmCRAFT FAIRLora Blake (720-202-9812)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 55126 E. Wolf Creek Dr. 2-5pm Multiple Vintage Nativity Scenes Hot Chocolate & Cookies Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 
Uhrich Movie Theater 1516 Main Street3:30pmHot Chocolate & Christmas Movie (Christmas Story at 3:30pm; Polar Express at 5:10pm) Uhrich Movie Theater
Christmas in the Park…Join us in kicking off the “most wonderful time of the year”! This free fun-filled event includes pictures with SANTA and his REINDEER (with your own camera), local entertainment, roasted marshmallows, self-guided walk through the illuminated park, wreath contest, and the lighting of the community Christmas tree. Visit local vendors and enjoy free activities and food throughout. NEW this year is Fireworks provided by our local Fire District to cap off the evening. Lyons Park on Railroad St.4-7:30pmVisit SANTA CLAUSWeller Insurance
Santa’s ReindeerLiving Springs Vet Care
Free Popcorn Twisters Athletics
Roasted Marshmallows & CookiesSHS National Honor Society 
Hot ChocolateI-70 Corridor Chamber of Commerce
Reindeer Food CraftStrasburg Arts Council 
Wreath Contest TBK Bank 
Drop-off Santa Letters Growth and Wealth Financial 
Free SoupJourney Church 
Tractor Hayride21st Century
5pmLighting of the Community Christmas Tree and Christmas CarolersStrasburg Singers
7:30pmFIREWORKS SHOWStrasburg Fire District 
20/20 EyeVenue 1506 Main St.4pmFree Hot Dogs,  Goodie Bag for Kids & Raffle  20/20 EyeVenue 
Dulce Espresso 56551 E Colfax Ave.4pmServing Kids Hot Chocolate for $1.75 FREE Cookie with every purchase! Dulce Espresso 
F&C Realty56321 E Colfax Ave.4pm

Coloring Contest Winners Announced; Free Hot Dogs; Christmas Surprise for Kids

Download Coloring Contest 2024

F&C Realty
Kohrs Orthodontics 56620 E. Colfax Ave. 4pmDecorate Christmas CookiesKohrs Orthodontics 
Real Estate Connection 56541 E. Colfax Ave 4pmHot Chili Real Estate Connection 
Smokeshow Meat & Beans Place 56761 E Colfax Ave4pmHot Apple Cider & Extended Hours Smokeshow Meat & Beans Place 
Strasburg Community Church56155 Sunset Ave.4pm“A Christmas Carole” PerformanceSHS Drama Guild
The Gift Shop 56781 E Colfax Ave.4:10pmChristmas CarolersStrasburg Singers
U.S. Mechanical 1486 Main Street 4pmRoasted Chestnuts U.S. Mechanical 
Western Hardware56640 E Colfax Ave.4pmHot Apple Cider; In-store Specials; Carolers at 4:30pm Western Hardware 
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